#1. A couple of readers have asked me why my writing is negative? For this question, I advise the readers to consider the title of my blog: Issues of the Disabled, the target word being “issues.” I am not writing about puppies and kittens and cute things here. The word “issues” exactly means serious matters that require change or reform. These matters decide the quality of lives. These are critical issues. If I want to write about happy, cute things, I promise I will be positive. To this point, I am actually being positive because if I wanted to show the extent of my passion concerning these issues, my voice would also contain some anger for certain injustices disclosed.
#2. Another important misinterpretation to clarify: Certain people have inferred that I am not the author of this blog. Most published authors have editors. I have a disability in the area of writing (among other disabilities.) I have dysgraphia which is a broad term for processing problems with writing. No matter how hard I try as of this date, I will leave out words, write words out of order, misspell words, and assume that the reader can read my mind. Believe me. You do not want to read my text without the benefit of my editor! It is absolutely convoluted! However, make no mistake: the writing published here is mine. The voice is mine. The ideas are mine. And for you who are skeptics: GOT IT?
Please write back if you agree or disagree. Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Please get your family and friends to follow as well, especially young people my age who seem to be too busy to get to know a handicapped person.
Got it! Thanks for sharing and bringing a perspective most of us will never understand or appreciate.
Cousin jfk
*fully appreciate.
Thank you, Jess! I am not sure if I got around to acknowledging all of the comments. There is so much junk in here, it is hard to see the real readers. Please continue to share and comment. Take care.
Jaime Girl, I understand completely, and I am with you all the way!!
Thank you Uncle George!! I got your comment. It worked! I am so happy it worked for you!!! Enjoy!!!
Hi Jaime,
Knowing you as I do, I know that every sentiment expressed in your blog comes from you, especially the “Get it?” It is unfortunate for some people who are unable to empathize with the challenges that others face. You are not being negative! You are setting out a message of what life may be like for the disabled. If some people view that as negative, it may be because they are unable or unwilling to face a part of life that makes them uncomfortable. It is much easier to ignore aspects of life that take us out of our comfort zone and the label of “negative” makes it easier to continue to shy away. Any one who has ever contributed to bettering the life of a group of people has had to be strong and suck up criticism…making themselves more uncomfortable for the good of others.
I agree with Marlene. And as the editor, I know how much of Jaime’s heart is in this blog. However, I do not understand how anyone could view her public service posts as negative. As the saying goes, “If you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem.” So for those who only want to hear positive, yet ignorant statements, I say go hide your head in the sand some more.
So the editor can’t spell “of” from my iPhone. Also, missing a capital letter….
I already commented above. This blog is a public service, Jaime. Governor Brown needs a main line to your messages since he thinks it’s ok to leave special needs issues out if his new budget plan. Schwartzenhager cut the budget, and Brown is oblivious to the needs of fragile people. Nice.
Hey Jaime! Glad to see this new post come together. I do have some thoughts about how you can reach more people by using all of the social media platforms. If you start an Instagram and Twitter that are tied to your blog, then you can connect with other people with disabilities or other advocates and give them a way to access your blog. Maybe you could even find someone with a well-established blog who can promote yours for you. That way you aren’t limited to just friends, or friends of friends on Facebook. Maybe even start a hashtag! #DisabledLivesMatter
Everyone likes jumping on the hashtag trends 🙂
What a great idea Mindy! I am going to be doing it soon. My mom and I are going to look into it & hopefully have it up on google by my birthday.
Thanks, Mindy! We are just seeing this. There were about 4,500 spams when we looked today, and can’t get through them all to mark them spam or delete them. Don’t know what to do about this junk in here. It is just too much. Love you!
Go Jaime!! I would love for all of the Handicapped Parking Space violators to have this particular blog of yours tattooed on the arm of their choice! You know, James faces this same unfortunate, yet avoidable, problem.. if those violators just weren’t so selfish. Many times he can’t go into the gym due to limited handicapped parking spaces and/or violators taking up the spaces. He also has had to park further in a parking lot, wheel himself through the cars, and has almost been hit by trucks who cannot see him. I appreciate your blogs and the awareness you are bringing to those who really do not understand the life of the handicapped. Continue your good work, Jaime Rae.
Auntie Lita
Thank you so much, Aunt Lita. Please continue to read the blog and share with as many people as possible who will in turn, hopefully, share with other people. You never know who will be someone who will have the power to effect some change to improve the lives of handicapped people and others who are affected by lack of funding, or
inappropriate, unacceptable services.
Jaime Rae Misses You!