I am CP Girl though that is obviously not my real name. I was born two-and-a half months premature and suffered brain damage as a result of that complication. My twin sister died, and that was the beginning of my issues of dealing with Cerebral Palsy and dealing with the world as it relates to CP. Welcome to Blog No. 1. Feel free to comment on anything that I write. I welcome the input as long as it is kindly stated, and I am happy to provide any advice that I have regarding any issues you may have as well.

I am so sad that my sister died. I wonder what life would have been like with her in this world.

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I am a 25-year old female with cerebral palsy who wants people to know the issues which handicapped people face in today's world. In addition to the everyday challenges which all people face, people with disabilities must grapple with issues of friendships, dating, business relations, safety issues, and a host of other vital matters, beginning with how to get up and get going each day. I want to relate my story, as well as issues faced by others, and invite all readers to respond and interact.

2 thoughts on “POST #1: INTRODUCTION”

  1. I am a 38 year old with cp. I’m wheelchair bound I just started reading your blog today and I really enjoy it cause you and I have the same views on things. I also learned some things reading your post that I did not know.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Robert, and thanks for supporting my blog. I haven’t had time to write lately, but plan to create something soon. There are so many burning issues. Thanks again. CP Girl

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