largest222Sometimes there are many issues within one issue. One example concerns parking for the handicapped. I am sure many readers have seen flagrant violations and agree that they should be stopped.

  • In a former blog, I mentioned how my mom and I had to drive around and round at Tourmaline Surf Park and finally were forced to leave because we could not find a place to park while people without placards took up the only accessible spots available. Some of these people think that if the car is still running, they are not parked. I want to assure them that they are parked in a space that a handicapped person cannot use at that moment. Why should someone in a walker or wheelchair be forced to leave the parking lot just because someone who can walk thinks they have the right to park there instead?
  • My aunt has a severe heart and breathing problem. Though she can walk, she really should not go far and must drag her breathing apparatus with her. I think people would not question her parking in a handicapped spot. Plus, she has a legal handicap placard.
  • A few weeks ago, my step-dad came home from surfing. He was really mad and finally told us about the two young ladies he saw pulling into handicapped parking. He was rinsing off his surfboard and watched while one of the women put up a handicap placard. She glanced up and made eye contact with him, and he saw an unmistakable look of guilt on her face. So he kept watching. The two women got out and bounded away without any limps or hint of disability. He said he was tempted to put a note on the window that said, “My daughter can’t walk; which one of you cannot walk?” He did not do that just in case if he was wrong. There might have been a hidden disability with one of the women, but he didn’t think so. People who are not handicapped should not use the placards of relatives or friends to take up much-needed parking which only disabled people are entitled to use. These people can cause great hardship and distress to helpless people who already have their share of problems.
  • There are not enough parking spaces allocated for handicapped people in many places. For instance, at the North Clairemont Public Library, there is only one space, and I usually can’t get it. There are a lot of parking spaces at Target; however, frequently there are none available. There needs to be more handicapped parking for the disabled people, and other individuals should not abuse the use of placards and spaces. Some disabled people really cannot park anywhere else because they need the extra space to pull down their ramps in order to get themselves and their power chairs out of the vehicles. I have several friends and family members who have experienced this injustice.
  • The saddest and most outrageous crime is the theft of a handicap placard. I have a good friend who recently told me that someone stole his placard. It took a long time for him to apply for and receive a replacement. In the meantime, it was much more than an inconvenience for him to go places. Some people are just selfish, through and through! Who would do that—steal a placard from someone who is paralyzed?
  • Finally, there is one more issue regarding accessibility in the parking areas for handicapped people. It is the accessible curbing that is frequently not constructed properly to code, or if it is to code, the code is not written by anyone who is handicapped or by anyone who even knows about handicapped people. Sometimes I can’t even get up the accessible curbing because it is raised and not flat like it needs to be. My wheelchair simply will not go over it, and I have almost been thrown out of the chair as the person pushing my chair rams into the raised curb that is supposed to be flat. It’s worse in my walker.

One again, I ask my readers to observe and comment about these issues, and especially to write to any authorities who can help get these problems resolved. Please write your local and state representatives and also any committee members who serve in Congress. Below are links and addresses to San Diego representatives and my local councilman. Please do not hesitate to write to them or to your own local and state representatives.

Thank you all for your assistance. We need it so badly if anything is ever to improve. Sometimes we feel forgotten amongst all of the money-making hype. I belong to an organization called “People First.” I am just beginning to understand the meaning of that title.

Chris Cate
Council District #6
City Administration Bldg.
202 C. Street, 10th Floor
San Diego, CA  92101
(619) 236-6616

Senator Marty Block
District #39
Capitol Office State Building
Room 4072
Sacramento, CA  95814
(619) 645-3133
(916) 6514039
(His website slogan is “How can I help you. . .)

Assembly Member Toni G. Atkins
State Capitol
P.O. Box 94289
Sacramento, CA  94249-0078
(916) 319-2078
(619) 645-3090

Click on “email Toni” from the official site.






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I am a 25-year old female with cerebral palsy who wants people to know the issues which handicapped people face in today's world. In addition to the everyday challenges which all people face, people with disabilities must grapple with issues of friendships, dating, business relations, safety issues, and a host of other vital matters, beginning with how to get up and get going each day. I want to relate my story, as well as issues faced by others, and invite all readers to respond and interact.

11 thoughts on “Blog #10: AS MR. TURKO SAYS: “IT AIN’T RIGHT!””

  1. I do see this so often and it makes me so mad! But I have also read stories of people with “hidden disabilities” who have been harassed by people that see them using handicapped spots. That is almost just as bad. Why can’t everyone just be nice to each other and do what they are supposed to do??

    1. You are right, Mindy. Not every disability is visible. But having a disability, such as autism or ADHD may not necessarily mean that the person needs to park in a handicapped space. There are people with heart conditions who need to limit exertion. So, ultimately, you are absolutely correct. Everyone should just do the right thing, and the world would be so nice for everyone–share and share alike. Thanks for reading and sharing my blog with your friends and contacts. Any one of them may be in the position to effect meaningful change for the lives of disabled people, such as increased funding or improved services. Take care. Min. Love, Jaime Rae

  2. Hi Jaime. This issue is so important! Even the parking spaces at medical clinics and hospitals are not sufficient. I really wish that the people responsible for security in medical, university, mall parking lots, etc. would have the authority to ticket those people who do not show disabled parking documentation, or whenever they see an obviously non-disabled person leaving their vehicle in a disable spot.

    Unfortunately, the very people who should be reading these blogs are spending their computer time playing games or texting friends. You are right in urging us to contact our law makers. While their awareness is difficult to gain as well, it is a place to begin.

    1. Thanks, Marlene for supporting my blog and for sharing it to as many people as possible. You never know who may be in a position to spread the work or to effect change with increased funding and improved services. Safety and quality experiences in group homes, nursing facilities, and adult day programs are at the top of the list. Please keep reading and sharing. Love you very much, Jaime Rae

  3. Jaime Girl,

    We know all too well about the parking problems regarding handicap spaces. The number of inconsiderate people trying to get away with parking in a handicap space is absolutely unacceptable. I will be contacting some of the local authorities to find out what the average citizen can do.

    1. Thank you, Mr. Ministeri! I sincerely appreciate that you are reading my articles. Thank you for sharing the blog with goodhearted people who may be concerned for disabled people and who will write to legislators, Department of Social Services, Regional Centers, and Area Boards who can effect increased funding and improved services, such as higher quality workers in group homes and adult day programs. Thanks again, Uncle George (oops, I mean, Mr. Ministeri.)

  4. Hi Jamie, how are You? I agree right with you. I know, because Ken has a placard. The association said they were going to put a parking sign for Ken, but put two across the parking lot. I told them that they really can’t, because he’s not the only one who has one.
    Can’t put his name on it, because it would be racist. Well, take care, love you. Cousin Diana

    1. Thank you, Diane for replying to my blog. Yes, I know that you and Ken know a lot about this subject. I hope you are doing well and that Ken has recovered from his injuries, and if not, I pray that he is well on the way to recovery. We are hoping to take a trip out your way some time soon. I hear we missed you when we were all out of town recently. Take care. Please keep reading and sharing the blog with good-hearted people who might be able to write to legislators, Department of Social Services, Regional Center, Area Boards, and any other way to obtain more funding for quality group homes and adult day programs for disabled people. Love, Jaime Rae

  5. I think that Doctors are sometimes too liberal giving out “permission slips” for handicap placards. We often see people that seem to be perfectly fine but may be overweight. The longer walk might actually help them. There are simply too many placards for the available parking spots.

    1. You are absolutely correct, Mr. Trahern. Thank you for contributing to the site. Many people have handicap placards who do not need them. I remember when you used to carry me when I was small rather than waste a spot that someone truly handicapped might need. Thanks for being part of the solution, Daddy-o!

    2. Thanks, Dad for reading my blog. You are right! Some people could use the exercise, but I try to remember that some disabilities are invisible. I do not want to be judgmental. Keep reading. Your daughter.

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