please read the Article
I just thought I would share this important news. I haven’t been able to post on my website in a very long time due to imposing factors in my life. I hope to write more positive articles soon. There is much joy in the world to celebrate.
I wish there was something we could do to help those drivers who want to work and who deserve to make a living wage without depriving vulnerable people of necessary transportation. Maybe a compromise of sorts could be arranged, such as a reasonable increase in bus fare, as well as an increase in funding by the agencies that support MTS, or government grants. All of the funds from these sources could be allocated to increased pay for the hard-working drivers. And we, the disabled community, will not be stranded.
Please watch the above YouTube video, and please comment on my blog with any ideas you may have to help this situation.
nice job jamie!
Thanks for reading, Ben! Please share with others.