BLOG #16: Helping Humanity: It’s a Team Effort

Dear Friends,

Recently, a reader of this blog, Issues of the Disabled, expressed frustration concerning his lack of power to change the problems that disabled people face, big or small. Granted, it is a huge effort for most handicapped people to get up, get dressed, get fed, and get out the door each day to do anything productive.

Please know that you are helping us all simply by reading and sharing this blog. Please mention the blog or specific articles (so far I have 1-15). Please write comments if you know of anyone who can help with a particular issue, such as the name of a senator or congressman, mayor or councilman. In addition, if you feel extra generous, please write that person or persons yourself. There is power in numbers. Sometimes, I feel so overwhelmed. It feels good to know that people are reading and care. One of my cousins once wrote Councilman Chris Cate regarding potholes at the North Clairemont Library. Shortly thereafter, the potholes were removed. This was a tremendous help to book lovers and people like me who might go to the library for tutoring.

Do not underestimate your power as a human being. Together we multiple our talents and our resources–and our power. PLEASE READ, COMMENT, AND SHARE.

Love to you all,                                                                 

CP Girl







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I am a 25-year old female with cerebral palsy who wants people to know the issues which handicapped people face in today's world. In addition to the everyday challenges which all people face, people with disabilities must grapple with issues of friendships, dating, business relations, safety issues, and a host of other vital matters, beginning with how to get up and get going each day. I want to relate my story, as well as issues faced by others, and invite all readers to respond and interact.

5 thoughts on “BLOG #16: Helping Humanity: It’s a Team Effort”

  1. Thanks Jamie for all your hard work and effort. I know I will try to Make a Better Effort after reading your articles to share and forward them to the people who are elected and paid to help the disabled. I believe there is special need for better mobilization from place to place, including being able to get in and out of your own residence from a public Street or right of way

    1. Thank you so much, Uncle Steve! This is the type of validation that we need to keep up the inspiration to write. I know you don’t live in California or San Diego, but spreading the word and sharing with friends will help. We still want to get the law changed so that people can pull up in front of their own driveway to load and unload a person with disabilities. When you have time, please read more of the articles and refer them to other people. They are all thoughtfully written and researched. We love you very much!☎️

  2. You bring up so many good points Jaime. I wonder where common sense has gone. James has had many similar problems. I remember the parking issues He had when he was in college. Safety didn’t seem to be a concern for the administration. We can move forward and contact officials as you said. Persistence will win out!

    1. Thanks, Aunt Colleen! I know that you know about the issues. I need a good topic for my next issue. Got any ideas?

  3. Woohoo! Get back in the saddle, Jaime! I’m hoping to start learning more about how to contact various government agencies… if I come across any helpful information, I will be sure to share with you!

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