After much research and thought, I recently  attended an intense eight-day conference/clinicMNRI, the Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration program, which may well be the “missing link” in traditional therapy, as suggested by Pamela Curlee, co-founder of the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute. I had the pleasure to meet both Pamela and Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D  during the conference at the Bahia Hotel in San Diego, California (January 11-20, 2019). Although some of the basic stretches resemble some I have received in traditional therapy, suffice it to say, I have never experienced anything like this therapy in my life!


Dr. Masgutova developed her theories of healing, using strengths of the patient and providing trust with the delivery of repatterning and restructuring between the brain and motor reflexes, drawing from her experiences with trauma patients and observing their needs during recovery. One of these situations occurred with the Trans-Siberian Railway accident on June 4, 1989 where over 500 people were killed and another 600 wounded, 100 of whom were children. Dr. Masgutova worked with these children and learned how to heal their traumas and their bodies by listening to their needs. Later, she gave up her position as a graduate teacher and researcher at the Russian Education Academy in order to continue active research in this much-needed field. I am now one of the beneficiaries of this research and developed method of therapy.*


I passed through six sessions each day, with six different therapists who have been extensively trained in each modality, but who delivered one specialty to me during this program. All of the therapists were kind, gentle and fun to be with. Three of the therapists were handsome, male neurosurgeons!  Many of the MNRI treatments begin with a “greeting” which relaxes the recipient and prepares the muscles and skin to fully receive the therapy to follow. Then, the healing begins with carefully researched movements which provide information between the muscles, tissues, and the brain—hence, the terms “Neuro-sensory motor integration.” The work focuses much on reflexes which may have been neglected or improperly encouraged since birth or trauma. The modalities include the following: Repatterning, Archetype (often referred to as the pillars of foundation for any movement patterns), Oral/Facial/Visual/Auditory, Neuro Tactile, Neurostructural, plus alternating sessions of Trauma Recovery, Stress Hormones, and Breathing. They are all amazing forms of communication between motor reflexes and the brain.

The neurosurgeon/therapist Elvin worked me harder than I have ever worked before and made my body morph into a more flexible, strong me, as did the therapist Angie in the Neurostructural sessions. The other therapists, more gentle and discreet in their treatments, were also very effective. Each therapist  taught my mother and other friends and family members how to continue this valuable process with me at home so that my brain and muscles may continue to remember the patterns.


At the end of the eight days, I received a medal and other rewards for my efforts; however, regardless of the tangible rewards, the experience was very worth the large sum of money we paid. The positive testimonials by others are many.     







I encourage readers to explore the websites at and I  believe there are also youtube videos available with introductory information and possibly demonstrations.







Thank you for reading and supporting!


*Pamela Curlee, "Introduction," Parent's Guide to MNRI®, Svetlana Masgutova, Ph.D and Denis Masgutova.

**Images via Google Images and courtesy of

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I am a 25-year old female with cerebral palsy who wants people to know the issues which handicapped people face in today's world. In addition to the everyday challenges which all people face, people with disabilities must grapple with issues of friendships, dating, business relations, safety issues, and a host of other vital matters, beginning with how to get up and get going each day. I want to relate my story, as well as issues faced by others, and invite all readers to respond and interact.


  1. What a wonderful article about the therapy that you were able to experience. The commitment on the part of you, Jeff, and your mom was considerable. I hope that you are able to continue to use what you have learned and that you experience the healing that the therapy might provide. Whatever the outcome, your family continues to have faith in what you can accomplish through commitment and hard work! I will pray that other people, particularly family and friends, continue to support you in your challenge.

    1. Thanks for your continued support,Aunt Marlene. I am continuing with the therapy on a weekly basis. More would be better, but at least, it’s a start to bridge the big conference with practice in between. See you soon on the day of the writing conference, I hope.

      CP Girl

  2. Hello Jaime, you have grown from the pretty little girl I once knew and you are now a beautiful woman. I am extremely proud of you and your Mom for working through life’s challenges. You are amazing!

    1. Thank you, Morgan! I hope you find time to read all of the articles. They are all different. I know you are busy. I only have time to write every few months. When I started the blog, I thought I would have more time and more ideas. Let me know if you think of ideas needing change for disabled people, or if there is something people are doing which help the handicapped, I am happy to point out the positives as well. Thanks again, and keep reading. Hope all is well with you. Jaime Rae

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